Supporting Parents Of Autistic Children, Young People And Their Families Here
Created with the Dream to Educate, Inspire and Unite.
Supporting Parents Of Autistic Children, Young People And Their Families Here
Created with the Dream to Educate, Inspire And Unite.
What Can We Do For You?
Our Advocates
Our advocacy services are provided by advocates who are independent of public authorities or agencies such as the council, Police, Schools etc.
Principle Of The Advocacy
Clarity of Purpose We have clearly stated aims and objectives and are able to demonstrate how we meet the principles in the advocacy charter.
Our Values
When we begin working and helping a service user, they will have a named advocate and a means of contacting them.
South Yorkshire Autism Fayre
Our Autism Fayre has two components -one for children and young people and one for adults.
What The People Have To Say
Finished Sessions
satisfaction Rate
Registered Enrolls
This funding could not have come at a better time for families who have children with Autism in the UK, especially here in Sheffield where things have been at crisis point for so long, to help families put their voice across independently and for providing support for children and families to.
We are so delighted that the Lottery has put autism and Autism Union as a priority for funding. It’s a struggle every day with our children and without organisations like Autism Union standing up for us and helping us, things would be so much worse for us all. We can’t thank the Lottery enough.